- Sareth Ney's friends didn’t have a camera, his cousin had one and he had access to it.
- The crew didn’t start collaborating until 2 a.m. That’s when the main character, Erica Espinoza, was able to get off work because she was a bartender.
- The crew didn’t have any editing software, recorded over scenes they didn’t need, plugged the camcorder into the projector and watched it for the first time with the audience.
- The crew had to use the quote, “I sniffed the liquor, which was Scotch, and used some of it. It made my head feel worse but it made the rest of me feel better.”
- In the 24 hours of filming the short film, the crew had three hours of sleep and completed the short film in 12 hours.
- The entire budget was $25. $15 went to gas, $6 went to energy drinks (Spike and Red Bull) and $4 went to a shooter of J&B Scotch Whisky.
- During the opening scene—the viewers can hear the priest, JohnMark Wiley, say, “Oh, shit. Shit. We got a car coming.”
- The original set of opening credits was the camera recording the computer screen, as the credits rolled. Due to legal reasons, it had to be updated.
- During the radio scene--the viewers can hear Ney whisper, “Go.” It was the cue for the voice-over, Felicia Tapia, to read. She proceeded to talk next to the camera. The radio was off.
- The house where Wiley found the whisky was being remodeled to sell. It was Ney’s old residence. The whisky bottle had water in it and was clear. It should have been filled with tea.
- During the windmill scene, the viewers could hear the notebook page turning. Tapia continued to read the script.
- During the cellar scene, everything was improvised. Tapia's cursing caused Ney to curse. The cursing caused Tapia to laugh, as she cried. She hid away from the camera, to hide her laughter.
- Wiley’s clerical collar was actually a nicely folded piece of paper towel. It was from the bathroom from the gas station.
- The church scene was shot at Parkview Medical Hospital. It was before dawn.
- Official selection of 2008 Pueblo PULP 24 Hour Film Festival
- Winner of Best Film To Watch While Stoned at 2008 Pueblo 24 Hour Film Festival
“The Not-So Exciting Conclusion To… The Narcoleptics” (2008) was the leftover footage from “The Narcoleptics” (2008). Shortly after the awards were handed out, a spectator approached Ney and asked for a sequel. She also complimented him on his acting skills. The ending was left with a “To Be Continued” sign. Recently, Ney found the DVD and edited the short film together. He put together a montage of the first film because he wanted to pay homage to “Hellbound: Hellraiser II”.
- The exterior of the church is a different location from the first. The first is located inside of a hospital.
- The viewers can see Espinoza’s shadow, as she knelt down. She just finished rolling the decapitated head from the freak accident.
- After Espinoza approached the Sugar Daddy, Ney did the voiceover. They were waiting on the arrival on Wiley.
- The mix drink was Spike Energy Drink and J&B Whisky. Espinoza didn’t like the taste of it.
- The viewers can hear Ney whisper, "Tell her the ingredients", while Wiley was mixing the concoction.
“The Insomniacs” (2009) was submitted to Pueblo PULP’s Second Annual 24 Hour Film Festival. It was the sequel to the award-winning “The Narcoleptics” (2008). With this one, Ney wanted to flip the script. He wanted to show that too much of a good thing could be bad for you. That’s what the concoction was all about. Speaking of the concoction, it was made of old coffee grounds and V8. The actors and actresses were brave enough to drink some of it.
- The quote that had to be used was, “Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make."
- For “The Insomniacs” (2009), two jugs were brought to the tunnel. One was empty and the other was filled with water, cornstarch and red food coloring.
- During the hypnotizing scene, Ney wanted Travis Hickman (The Sugar Daddy) to pay homage to Bela Lugosi’s character in “Dracula” and Tony Todd’s character in “Candyman”.
- “The blood” was turned into V8 and coffee grinds, when they reached Scott Limardo’s apartment.
- “The Sugar Momma” couldn’t remember all of her lines and she read the majority of it from her smartphone. She chose to remain anonymous, to this day.
- The narration by Fred Carley occurred during post production, this time around. He spoke into his headphones because a microphone was nowhere to be found.
- Ezekiel Torres, Bulldozer, had a difficult time speaking with the fangs in his mouth. Plus, he was reading the script, as it rested in the bathroom sink. He ducked to avoid catching his reflection.
- Ney, the cinematographer and editor, didn’t mean to appear in the mirror. He appeared in all of his short films, like a miniature version of Alfred Hitchcock.
- The smoke was from a fire extinguisher and was sprayed from the side of the door, as everyone ran out of the house. Some inhaled it and coughed uncontrollably, shortly after. The ashes were from Limardo's BBQ grill. It showed everyone becoming vampires and had died, due to sunlight.
“The Misadventures of Wu-Man Chu” (2012) opening and closing sequences were recorded on the same night. The first scene was when the crew was getting ready to go home. The last scene was when we were at the midnight premiere of “The Man With The Iron Fists”, at Arclight Hollywood. Ney received many promotional posters and the director of “Jackass” requested to take a photo with him. Mark Miler took a picture and tweeted it. Everything in-between was on Ney's 30th birthday. He wanted to have a parade with his family and they walked a couple of blocks down Hollywood Boulevard.
- The opening scene was the last scene shot, after leaving “The Man With The Iron Fists” midnight premiere.
- The Hollywood Boulevard scene was from an idea that Ney had. He wanted to throw a parade with his L.A. family, for his 30th birthday. The reactions were unscripted.
- During the first escalator scene, Ney did not pay attention to where he was going and went up the wrong set of escalators.
- During the editing process—he wanted to pay homage to one of his favorite directors, Guy Ritchie. It was a tribute to the car chase scene from “Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels”.
- The security guard scene and the Egyptian Theater scene were different from each other. The security guard scene was from Hollywood and Highland.
- After Charlie Chaplin danced, Ney did the Wu-Man Chu Shuffle. It caused everyone to laugh behind him.
- Stephen Imhoff, Jr., threw a bunch of Ney’s business cards into a tour van. While he did so, he repeatedly said, “Welcome to Hollywood!”
- During the final sequence, his L.A. family recorded him walking down the stairs. Producer and camera operator of “Jackass” and “Wildboyz, Dimitry Elyashkevich, approached Ney for a photo-opp. Miller later pointed him out to Ney.
“Where Are You, Wu-Man Chu?” (2013) was filmed when Ney returned home to Colo. He made another short film for Pueblo 24 Hour Film Festival. Executive producer, Cindy Montanez, paid for the admission to get into the festival. The cast went to the thrift store for masks and outfits. They had to incorporate a sphere, map, cowboy hat and quote. The quote was, “I always thought insanity would be a dark, bitter feeling, but it is drenching and delicious if you really roll around in it.” Ney didn’t know how to use the editing software on his computer and taught himself how to use it.
- “One Last Cigarette” by The Widowhood Effect was played via James Curtis’ smartphone. He pretended to have a conversation, via the flip phone. His superhero costume was under his regular clothes. He changed, during the camera angle change. Jesse Hed, vocalist of The Ragetones, recorded it. He was sitting in an office chair.
- All of the Wu-Tang Clan attire came from Ney’s wardrobe. The masks and cowboy hat came from the local Arc thrift store.
- The entire dialog of the film was completely improvised.
- As they walked up the side of the diagonal concrete wall, the Oktoberfest celebration was taking place at the train station nearby.