Shriekfest accepting submissions for 2016
Published by Sareth Ney on Feb. 3, 2016 at 11:46 p.m.
LOS ANGELES – Shriekfest is currently accepting entries to the annual festival for various categories. The categories accepting submissions include: narrative feature, narrative short, narrative super short, feature screenplay and short screenplay. It will take place at Raleigh Studios and from Oct. 6 through Oct. 9. The event will be celebrating 16 years
For 2016, Shriekfest will have a new category open and it will be for demo reels. The category is open to actors, directors, editors, makeup artists, producers, sound designers, visual effects artists, writers and more. All demo reels submitted can be for any genre. All submissions must be two minutes or less.
"We wanted to come up with a category that would allow more people to be involved and receive exposure in the festival." said Denise Gossett, Festival Founder and Director. "Most filmmakers don't have a project to submit every year and this will allow everyone to be involved in the festival."
In 2001—Gossett starred in the horror film, “Chain Of Souls”. After attempting to let the world know about it, she noticed there were hardly any festivals with a focus on horror films. After sharing the idea with her sister-in-law, she received encouragement from her to pursue it. They joined forces and brought the idea of Shriekfest to life. Gossett’s sister-in-law stepped away a few years later and moved to Mich., a few years ago. Her brother (Gossett’s husband), Todd Beeson, stepped in to assist and retired in 2012.
Submissions to Shriekfest continue increase through the years and from various countries throughout the world. In 2015, there was an increase of 20% in attendance and 35 filmmakers were in attendance.
Sponsors of Shriekfest include: After Dark Films, Abducted (film), Axiom Images, Beating Broadway by Steve Cuden, Birns & Sawyer, Bloody Mary Professional Hollywood Make-Up, Boardner’s and the B52 Club,, Crypt TV, Cult Movies Magazine & TV,, Dapper Cadaver, Diabolique Magazine, Distribber, Film Freeway, Ghoster, Ghostwriters Central, Girls and Corpses, Glidecam,, InktTip, Journalstone, La-La Land Records, Latin Horror, Media Design School of Auckland New Zealand,, Opus (film),,, Scares That Care,, Script Delivery, Script Pipeline, Terror Films, The Pleasure of Fiends: Five Tales of the Vampire and
To visit ShriekFest’s official website, please click here. To like them on Facebook, please click here. To follow them on Instagram, please click here. To follow them on Twitter, please click here.
For 2016, Shriekfest will have a new category open and it will be for demo reels. The category is open to actors, directors, editors, makeup artists, producers, sound designers, visual effects artists, writers and more. All demo reels submitted can be for any genre. All submissions must be two minutes or less.
"We wanted to come up with a category that would allow more people to be involved and receive exposure in the festival." said Denise Gossett, Festival Founder and Director. "Most filmmakers don't have a project to submit every year and this will allow everyone to be involved in the festival."
In 2001—Gossett starred in the horror film, “Chain Of Souls”. After attempting to let the world know about it, she noticed there were hardly any festivals with a focus on horror films. After sharing the idea with her sister-in-law, she received encouragement from her to pursue it. They joined forces and brought the idea of Shriekfest to life. Gossett’s sister-in-law stepped away a few years later and moved to Mich., a few years ago. Her brother (Gossett’s husband), Todd Beeson, stepped in to assist and retired in 2012.
Submissions to Shriekfest continue increase through the years and from various countries throughout the world. In 2015, there was an increase of 20% in attendance and 35 filmmakers were in attendance.
Sponsors of Shriekfest include: After Dark Films, Abducted (film), Axiom Images, Beating Broadway by Steve Cuden, Birns & Sawyer, Bloody Mary Professional Hollywood Make-Up, Boardner’s and the B52 Club,, Crypt TV, Cult Movies Magazine & TV,, Dapper Cadaver, Diabolique Magazine, Distribber, Film Freeway, Ghoster, Ghostwriters Central, Girls and Corpses, Glidecam,, InktTip, Journalstone, La-La Land Records, Latin Horror, Media Design School of Auckland New Zealand,, Opus (film),,, Scares That Care,, Script Delivery, Script Pipeline, Terror Films, The Pleasure of Fiends: Five Tales of the Vampire and
To visit ShriekFest’s official website, please click here. To like them on Facebook, please click here. To follow them on Instagram, please click here. To follow them on Twitter, please click here.
Sareth Ney is the entertainment journalist for A Quarter and Dream Pictures. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Mass Communications and Center for New Media from Colorado State University-Pueblo. He is a former apprentice to master of horror, Clive Barker. He is known as the journalist/superhero, Wu-Man Chu, after meeting some members of Wu-Tang Clan. He is an award-winning short filmmaker; his goal is to write 150 articles in select time zones, inducts artists into his hall of fame, founder and co-host of Pueblo's Independent Multimedia Podcast and is the festival director at Sareth-Fest Music and Comedy Festival.